2019 06 1 UPPINGHAM ART 139 FLIP
2019 06 1 UPPINGHAM ART 139 FLIP

65 percent of children entering school today will work in a job that doesn’t yet exist.

So how do we prepare them for a world we can’t even imagine?

By believing in them

Uppingham School is of and for the future. For the forward thinkers, makers, debaters and creators. For over 500 years. Not defined by where they have gone, but where they are yet to go.

Our work with Uppingham has been a radical reboot of their brand identity to inspire current and future students to do the best work of their lives, here.

Building from the new strategy we moved from Canterbury to Under Armour as the school’s sports kit supplier, creating a range of sportswear that every student can feel proud of. Giving them confidence and swagger.

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Rolls Royce
Brand Communication
Identity / Writing / Digital / Campaign
Identity / Campaign / Digital / Writing